GirlHacker's Random Log

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PC Week columnist, Peter Coffee, has written a few words about coders and, though he doesn’t label it as such, their philosophies about writing code. His thoughts could use some expansion and clarification, but his basic premise is that someone still has to write the code and that coders disagree on when it’s time to actually write it. I have two modes of operation. If I have time to do the design properly, I spend a chunk of time creating design documentation before any code is written, though I often do some “proof of concept” coding during that phase. If something is needed immediately or I’m “playing”, I can happily stare down a blank editor window for a few minutes and crank out a few class files without the term “UML” making even the tiniest flitter into my mind.

Written by ltao

April 18th, 2000 at 4:13 am

Posted in Uncategorized