GirlHacker's Random Log

almost daily since 1999


At certain periods in the 8+ year lifetime of this weblog I’ve had time to research posts at greater depth, attempting to add value and usefulness to this vast Internet instead of just linking to interesting things. Working a full-time job and also being a parent doesn’t leave me much time for research these days, just finding interesting things to point to takes enough time. Which is all a self-centered way of me leading up to pointing out that Andy Baio does what I wish I had time to do with a weblog. Not only does he have interesting links on the side, but he has now committed himself to adding interesting weblog content to the World Wide Web on And his latest is just a mind-blowing doozy to someone like me who worshipped both Infocom and Douglas Adams. So, instead of trying to find anything interesting today to link to, I’m taking the time instead to read about his amazing find from the “Infocom Drive” which I’m sure will be on every popular linksite in a matter of hours: Milliways: Infocom’s Unreleased Sequel to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Thank you Andy!

Written by ltao

April 18th, 2008 at 4:28 am

Posted in Uncategorized