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After many months of getting to know Steinway grand piano No. K0862 in the N.Y. Times columns covering its creation, we now have to get accustomed to two new monikers as it was given two new names: No. 565700 (its serial number, for the 565,700th Steinway built) and CD-60, which identifies it as a part of Steinway’s “concert fleet.” Old No. K0862’s second name places it in the set of pianos loaned out by the company for various events and programs. Thus, when it was sent to the showroom in Manhattan, it went into the basement. This is quite a basement — it could name-drop for hours. Bernstein, Horowitz, Van Cliburn, Rachmaninoff, Glenn Gould, Billy Joel. The basement is where the celebrity pianists go to pick out a Steinway for their recording sessions, concerts, TV shows. And even though CD-60 had been adjusted and readjusted at the factory, the resident technician went through the same drill of going over the hammers and strings, and perhaps not for the final time as a pianist may request further adjustments. 15 pianists gave their opinion of CD-60, most felt it needed time to break-in and “bloom.” But its first gig is lined up. Steinway sent seven grand pianos to the Irving S. Gilmore International Keyboard Festival. So CD-60, formerly No. K0862, is in Kalamazoo, Michigan right now, perhaps getting played by a new talent who will one day walk into the showroom basement and pick out an old friend for a command performance. (N.Y. Times archive of the entire series)

Written by ltao

April 28th, 2004 at 3:36 am

Posted in Uncategorized