GirlHacker's Random Log

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When visiting homes for sale in the Bay Area, you’ll run across a few that are a little too pristine, a little too sanitized, perfectly appointed, yet devoid of the sellers’ personality. These are the “staged” homes, interior decorated for a faux family to create a warm feeling for prospective buyers facing sticker shock. The founder of this area’s staging industry keeps 8,000 square feet of warehouse space chock full of furniture, art, pillows, lamps, and so on. You’ll find staged houses at all price ranges. Tricks include using smaller furniture and strategic placement to make tiny rooms appear spacious. Bad views are hidden behind beautiful windows treatments or big plants. Although I can usually spot a staged home from the sidewalk through the windows, I have two clear indicators: the closets and cupboards are empty and the bathroom towels are always layered with the top one tied in the middle to form a cute bow-like effect. And often there will be a tea tray in the master bedroom, waiting for its mystery owner to come home and enjoy a steaming cup of Earl Grey while her impossibly perfect children ponder how to dry their hands on the unusable bathroom towels.

Written by ltao

April 23rd, 2003 at 1:02 am

Posted in Uncategorized