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Drive-In Movies


In summertime, in the height of the movie season, the thoughts of nostalgic types at certain news outlets turn to the drive-in theater, a venue type that still hangs on, barely, in our HDTV, IMAX 3-D world.  The Seattle Times ran a piece on the remaining seven drive-in theaters in Washington.  In Pennsylvania the Palace Gardens Drive-In is celebrating its 60th anniversary.  Long ago they used to run “all-nighters” with movies until dawn.  The local paper in Milford, Massachusetts interviewed residents who remember fun nights watching from the car with dates or with the kids.  At the one remaining drive-in in New Jersey, the owner has just instituted a “trunk check” policy after noticing that parents have been hiding their kids in the back (seems to me this practice has been around long enough for this new rule to be prompted by the economy rather than safety as the owner claims, but perhaps the parents are also being more economical these days).  Some drive-in related websites: United Drive-In Theatre Owners Association (they list places for sale if you’re interested), Drive-In Theater, and

Written by ltao

June 21st, 2010 at 1:11 am

Posted in culture,nostalgia